
Since winter term 2019, there is a new and innovative course between BITS Pilani and TU Braunschweig. With this course we have extended the number of students, who can participate on our joint exchange and education. Within the course, students are working on Industry 4.0 related technologies and topics (e.g. data mining, sensors, microcontrollers). With these, students develop solutions for industry relevant challenge against the background of Industry 4.0. This format shows students how working in international and virtual teams can be like. Moreover, students will understand how differently solutions can be.

We are very much looking forward to innovative and interesting solutions!

Organisation & time schedule

The schedule of last year’s seminar (winter semester 2022/23) is shown in the graphic. This year’s schedule will look similar. Changes may still occur in the further planning process. During the seminar, teams will consist of two students from TU Braunschweig and two from BITS, Pilani.

The topics of this year’s challenge will be announced soon. Students can state three topic preference before getting assigned to a team. During the seminar, the learning infrastructure at BITS Pilani and the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology including various technical devices is available for the implementation and testing of the ideas.

How to participate?

Due to funding, which we have received from Stifterverband, we are able to financially support roughly 10 students from both universities. This funding will cover most of the expenditures. For further information on this please contact Sebastian Weise.

Students from TU Braunschweig

The course is recognised as a seminar in the elective area (“Wahlbereich”) of the Master program of Mechanical Engineering and many other Master programs of faculty 4. More information can be found here.

Further, the course is also recognised as a specialization course for Master students of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering (Master in Environmental Engineering or Sustainable Energy Engineering).

Students from these programs are awarded 5 CPs for participation. Evaluation will be based on presentation and reports (no exam!).

To apply, please send a letter of motivation (max. DIN A4 page) to Sebastian Weise. We are interested to learn, why you want to participate in this format, what are your experiences you already have gained abroad and why India is of special interest for you.

Applications can be submitted from now on. A response can be expected in June 2023 earliest.

For questions and more information, we recommend attending the IWF’s international evening. There, the seminar as well as further international cooperations of the institute will be introduced in detail.

Date: 03.05.2023 at 18:00 pm

Place: CIM seminar room, Langer Kamp 19b