Stay in Braunschweig, Report by Lokesh Kumar Patel

I am   master’s   student   from   BITS   Pilani,   Pilani   campus   and   stayed   in Braunschweig, Germany for 5 months starting from January, 2019 under JInGEL program.  I worked with research group at IWF, TU Braunschweig to develop Cyber Physical Cooling System (FRED). An MPS storage system was added with cooling system, temperature  sensors  and  controller  (Raspberry Pi)   to achieve  all  four  main elements of CPPS: physical world, data acquisition, cyber world, and visualisation & control. Also performed feasibility study and initiated project to replace all different   controllers   (Festo,   Raspberry   Pi)   with   one   powerful   Siemens S7 controller. Thank you  everyone, especially my supervisors (Mr. Benjamin Uhlig and Mr. Marcus Vogt), research group in India,  fellow scholars and technical staff for their friendly cooperation and continuous support during stay.

Initial days of my stay was very challenging, It was freezing cold, everything was in German starting from daily greetings to formal documentation, and me being vegetarian it was really difficult to find good vegetarian food and I didn’t knew cooking either. Thanks to Luise Mayer and Yannick Pfisterer for helping me with any problem I faced, Siddartha for cooking tasty vegetarian food for initial days and Prof. Herrmann for a nice Jacket ( offered me after seeing me shivering on very first day). Thanks to Mr. Jurgen Papke, my landlord and the best German I ever met in my life. From receiving me at train station in snowy winter to farewell in hot summer, he helped me in every single problem I faced. I will miss repairing bikes in his big garage, sitting and relaxing under cherry trees and weekend Indo-German parties. I spent most of my evenings walking, running and riding through   Riddagshausen   (a   natural   reserve),   meeting   new   people   and experience nature at its best. As a solo traveller, I enjoyed more riding through fairy tale villages near Braunschweig and experiencing stunning sunset views of vast   fields.   From   weekend   trips   with   AIESEC   members,   travelling   to   some beautiful places around Europe with Siddartha, winning photography contest by Bosch at Hannover Messe, road trip to Berlin and bike ride to Tankumsee with Yannick and Rishi, I returned home with bag full of everlasting experiences. 5;\