Stay in Braunschweig, Report by Abhineet Nigam

Hello! I had the amazing opportunity of being an exchange student under the JInGEL program and was in Germany from June 2019 to December 2019. From the day Benjamin informed me that I had been selected for this exchange, I was very excited to be a part of it and        this beautiful country made everything more special.

When I landed in Frankfurt, I was a little overwhelmed being abroad for the first time in my life, especially in a country which did not speak English as its first language but very soon I adjusted to everything. All the Germans were very welcoming and helpful and taught me a lot about the culture which helped me in adjusting to this new place in no time.

I worked at Institute of Particle technology under Prof. Georg Garnweitner and Dr. Annelise Jean-Fulcrand on the topic “Novel Electrolytes for Lithium Sulfur batteries.” I was amazed with all the research facilities available at the institute and the dedication and work ethics of the researchers. I made some amazing friends at the institute like EunJu Jeon and Selma. I will miss going to mensa with Yannick and Sourojit discussing about the country and planning expeditions for the weekends.

Living in the peaceful city of Braunschweig was therapeutic for me. The city was beautiful and calm and the gardens of my Landlords house was one of my favourite places to kick back with a book and relax under the lovely cherry trees.

During my stay, I was able to travel around the country on some of the holidays and was able to explore their culture and beautiful scenic landscapes. I really liked the environment friendly nature of the Germans and they helped me become more concerned about the nature and the environment. to. I visited various other places in and around Germany. I visited Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Prague and Budapest. It was a nice experience to visit these places and get to know their history.

In conclusion, this once in a lifetime opportunity helped me develop new skills as a student as well as a human being exposing me to a totally different world of people. I will cherish all these memories and will love to come back one day and meet all my friends again. Thank you JINGEL for giving me this incredible opportunity.